When you need to nail the pitch - the first time
For startups, charities, and other groups looking to secure venture funding, major donations, or other investment, you often only get one shot to make an impression.
Your product is ready, your team is the best at what they do - but now the most important thing is that you can tell your story to the people with the money to help you make it a reality.
SAGA offers more than simply a set of speaking remarks - we offer a full-service philosophy to help you nail your presentations the first time, every time. This includes:
- Building or fine-tuning a visual deck that ensures your audience is really paying attention, not just reading along - or worse, reading ahead
- Integrating speaking remarks that best fit the speaker, and don't sound like a typical sales pitch
- Rehearsal time worked around your schedule
We help you boil your pitch down to its most important core message, and more than that, we help you understand how to deliver it in a way that emphasizes your strengths, even if you're not a natural salesperson.
You have the passion; you have the product - let us help you put it together into an resistible story package that leaves your audience - and your investors - dying to get a piece for themselves.